Thursday, August 28, 2014


Hi all, just don't know whether did you guys noticed about Google's Glass Eyewear? 

Google's high-tech glasses could use a bit more style.(Credit: Google)

Those of you who think Google Glass eyewear looks a bit geeky may be in store for a more fashionable approach.

Google is chatting with eyeglass maker Warby Parker to bring a touch of style to Glass, the New York Times said today, citing its sources as "two people briefed on the negotiations."

Neither Google nor Warby Parker would comment on the reported talks to the Times. CNET contacted both companies for comment and will update the story if we receive any information.

A startup company that's managed to raise a lot of cash, Warby Parker is known for its trendy but high-quality eyewear. Google Glasses may be high-quality but they're not exactly trendy.

The frames themselves look a bit odd without actual lenses. And the viewer through which the user sees virtual information still resembles something found on a Borg drone.

Some people who have worn Google Glasses in public have received odd reactions, marked by one instance of a sarcastic bartender in high-tech San Francisco, according to the Atlantic.

The goal is to sell Google Glasses to mainstream folks, not just techies. As one example noted by the Times, Google has been playing around with adding sunglasses and prescription lenses to the frames.The challenge now is for Google make the glasses fashion-friendly and less an object of ridicule in public.

Google's Glass designers have also been striving to add more style on their own, the Times added. The glasses first came in black but now come in other colors. They're also much lighter, while the high-tech hardware has gotten smaller.

To drum up more interest in Glass, Google has launched a contest asking "bold, creative individuals" to become Google Glass explorers. Participants have to fill out an application explaining what they would do if they had the glasses. Winners are then invited to order a Glass Explorer Edition, though it'll cost them the full $1,500 plus tax.

And the cost is another challenge faced by Google. The average person who shells out a few hundred dollars for a smartphone or tablet may balk at a price tag of $1,500, even for high-tech eyeware. But Google has said that the glasses will cost less than the initial price when they officially hit the market next year.

Web Google Glass Ralf Cheung

Bilton’s Take: With Google Glass, “you don’t have to pull your phone out. It’s just fascinating,” he said. “You can take pictures with a camera above your eye. You can’t even come up with this stuff.”
Becky’s Take on Google Glass: “Google Glass is kind of creepy. Also, a little rude like someone checking their phone when you’re having a conversation. But then again, if they can help me remember someone’s name at a party. Yes!

Of course, this is just some information sharing regarding the google glass eyewear, and it is nothing related to our eyesight.

if you would like to check your eyesight, please go to your nearly place Optometrist for free checkup. 

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